Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Tagline: My City Screams

I manage to catch this show last week. Thanks to
eyeris. :D

For those who have seen
300 or Sin City, you would recognize the distinctive style of Frank Miller. Well actually Zack Synder was the director for 300, but the noir black and white style is quite distinctive to Frank Miller’s Films.

(Simple Breakdown of the movie)
  • Introduction of HERO (Main character) Denni/The SPIRIT
  • Investigate Crime of THE OCTOPUS
  • First Epic Fight
  • Goes to Hospital 
  • Heals 
  • Investigate Crime by the Octopus 
  • Gets Captured 
  • Funny Scenes rolling out 
  • PLOT Revealed- Hero Origin 
  • Escapes > PLots Octopus’s capture/Trap 
  • Epic Battle for The Octopus 
  • Second Epic battle with The Spirit and The Octopus. 
  • Ends...
The Story/PLot:
Well, to not spoil or give anything away

Like ALL superhero movies, its always about a bad guy bend on World Domination.
The Bad guy being in the guise of THE OCTOPUS. Seriously, are there any more bad ass black guy out there than Samual L. Jackson? :D 

This movie is based on Will Eisner's comic book "The Spirit" and adapted by Frank Miller.
In the comics it was set in the 1950's but in the movie, although the look and feel of the set looked liek 1950's, there were plenty of modern gadgets like mobile phones and computers laying around in the set.

Honestly. I lost the plot along the way. It didn’t feel like there was a story. Kudos for the special effects, the funny lines, but thats about it. But it was entertaining.

The Take:
A Pretty Show. With not much to play with. After seeing the movie, The show manage to built a world that interacts with the actors very well. It does feel very cartoonish and outlandish, but the whole “The Spirit” world was based on Will Eisner’s Comic book.

The Verdict:
Watch it, cause you’re bored and it’s a working day and you need to release some tension by watching a No-Brainer movie with very some happy/ironic scenes. Bare in mind that this is not a show for all. Some might like it. Maybe die hard fans may like it.

Movie Maths:
300 + Dick Tracy = The Spirit

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